Thursday, October 9, 2014

Moreover, the level of concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere global war on terrorism service medal

Climate change, extreme meteorological events and the city. A training course in Rimini global war on terrorism service medal in March / April | water (on) line
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With increasing frequency and intensity areas of the planet and our country are affected by extreme weather events (in the past rarer): storms, floods, flooding and landslides resulting alternating with hot summers that sometimes followed by periods of very cold winters and or an extraordinarily snowy January-early February monsoon type, such as the 2014 costs, in terms of economic and monetary cost in human lives, quality of life are often enormous. In this regard, it should be clear by now that prevention is cheaper than cure. Extreme global war on terrorism service medal weather events have always existed. What has changed is the frequency global war on terrorism service medal with which they occur, and that very probably linked to global climate change in progress. There is, in this respect, a spread of environmental policy and public debate often guilty of neglect.
On the other hand, if the research conducted on the air bubbles preserved in glaciers have shown that for hundreds of thousands of years, CO2 concentration has never exceeded 300 parts per million (ppm), both during glacial than in interglacial warmer in May 2013, scientists global war on terrorism service medal have found that for the first time in at least 3 million years the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere has reached the threshold of 400 parts per million (ppm), global war on terrorism service medal and is still growing. It is a non-toxic level for the human body, but extremely dangerous for the sensitive Earth's climate, more and more influenced by human activities and extremely energy-intensive fossil fuel. Slowly and more or less consciously, and in any case certainly with visions of the short term and certainly global war on terrorism service medal not far-sighted political leadership, economic and financial world have led us in a dangerous global experiment by now gotten out of hand. The effects are there for all to see. There is evidence to show that local scale processes further hydrogeological (but in this case the cause is not only due to climate change), desertification, scarcity of water resources, of increasing temperatures (for example, the average temperature Ferrara, according to data from Arpa Emilia-Romagna region, has increased by 2.5 degrees in the last decade, characterizing global war on terrorism service medal it as the hottest town in Emilia-Romagna).
Moreover, the level of concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere global war on terrorism service medal is by no means stabilized; in spite of the Kyoto Protocol and the EU strategy to combat climate change (certainly the most ambitious and coherent in the world, but insufficient because China and the United States are the largest emitters of greenhouse gases), the concentration of CO2 continues to grow 3ppm year. The international scientific community had indicated in 350 ppm safety limit not to be exceeded in order to avoid irreversible climate change; Well that threshold has already been reached in 1986 and the current 400 ppm is another warning sign of climate and environmental degradation taking global war on terrorism service medal place. An alarm bell still largely unheeded, however, and that should guide such as constraint consistency, policies and choices against the economic crisis and employment.
There is, in fact, a before and an after, or before it resolves the economic and financial crisis then repair the enormous environmental damage caused by unsustainable patterns of development, global war on terrorism service medal which began two centuries ago with the first industrial revolution. Coping with climate change, develop coherent strategies for the final affirmation of renewable energy (as does Germany, which has set itself the target of 35% renewable energy consumption by 2020 and 80% by 2050) and for the redevelopment global war on terrorism service medal of an energy-environment largely obsolete housing stock is a smart and sustainable way to immediately create new businesses and jobs suited to the dramatic challenges of the XXI century.
In line with the right principle of "think globally, act locally", municipalities can do a lot. The accession to the Covenant requires the definition of a coherent program with measurable objectives that go beyond those established by the European Union with the strategy 20 + 20 + 20. Through the PSC, the POC, the RUE, the definition of Climate Plans and Action Plans for Sustainable Energy-PAES municipal selective use of local taxation, assurance global war on terrorism service medal mechanisms of trust, involvement

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