Tuesday, October 7, 2014

This product was added Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 15:27 and tagged with abandoned, trophies and award

The insolence of the earthquake does not contemplate life and even art. Does not respect the past and destroys the present. I've trophies and awards been to Ferrara few years ago. It is a lovely town and quiet. Wrapped in a thin layer of fog, echoes of footsteps on the pavement who calmly continues along the roads early in the morning. It is a city Metaphysics. It is a painting by De Chirico. It is ethereal and tidy as it appears in the film "Beyond the Clouds" (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1995) where poetry inhabits the space and along the alleys. The pleasant place of Este, a city of culture and refined minds purposes of the fifteenth century, the city also outraged by the earthquake. Wanting numeracy, the damage is "minor" when compared with those of other lands where the fury of nature has broken trophies and awards in two, monuments and countries, crumpled and collapsed were rendered speechless and inhospitable. It is a human tragedy that draws many lives, but also the piercing cry of the story. trophies and awards The devastation of culture. Wonderful Renaissance fortresses, towers and towers came down like a Lego construction.
It is a country as ours, in which the culture thousands of years marked and formed the territory. Every corner, every spur identifies an exceptional moment and fruitful. A moment of conquest and elevation trophies and awards of thought and soul.
Ferrara gave birth to an exceptional artists, I think of Cosme Tura, Ercole de Roberti, Francesco del Cossa, but more recently I think it is inevitable to the brilliant and cosmopolitan Giovanni Boldini. A little big man at the end of the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth century has revolutionized, modernized and refined the art and spirit of the portrait. A painter who has made immortal men and women, beautiful women in a golden age, and who has ridden the passage of two centuries, the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. An artist whose fame crossed the ocean. All the noblesse, the bourgeoisie aspired to his portraits. Portraits that dart still in their rapid brushstrokes and impromptu, thrown on the canvas with the ardor of those who were trying to grasp the essential and elegant of those figures who embodied all the beauty of a fleeting world to the real world. A world of beauty, fashion, dating and lightness. A world of gossip and bellavita away from the stress of everyday life. Today, the museum trophies and awards Ferrara, dedicated to the master, is hurt by the shock. The museum, which houses many works by Boldini, who lived a large part of his life in the most fashionable Paris.
Returning to ramble on the thoughts of these days, unfortunately, as always happens, the nature rages on things, wreaking havoc, devastation, however, trophies and awards that very often is aided by neglect of the man who over the years you do not enable the maintenance and restoration. In the field of art and culture in fact, there is a culture of protection, you run for cover only when the damage is done. Only when there is destruction. trophies and awards In Italy there is a culture of emergency. Only at the end runs and cries to disaster. Between the before and after there is no middle ground.
Unfortunately, then, when you get to later, today, even more simply the culture of emergency (officially there are no funds, after the Ministry of Cultural Heritage is destined to 0.3% of GDP, approximately 6 billion, trophies and awards with a Heritage infinity), just look at the city of L'Aquila trophies and awards after three years. It is still fenced off and sunk in its rubble (this if you do not want to go back to Irpinia dell'Ottanta and some palaces in Naples that are still prisoners of the scaffolds after 32 years).
In this country, now there is an abandonment. The abandonment of the culture (just think of the almost trophies and awards total elimination of the History of Art from the schools), the neglect of the monuments and the expulsion from the real world, that of the common life. A life shattered by the crisis and suffocated from the air that you breathe heavy. A life where you no longer even the certainty of returning trophies and awards home if you're sixteen and you're going to school. A life that is no longer beautiful and that day after day we fatigues thoughts and makes us more and more isolated. There is (should be) the culture to emerge and come into the open. Art for ingentilirci again and let us see with new eyes all the beauty trophies and awards that life still may hold. Perhaps.
This product was added Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 15:27 and tagged with abandoned, trophies and awards art, cultural heritage, damage, decay, ferrara, john boldini, carelessness, Italy, monuments, today, GDP, painting, portraits, and earthquake published in art, thoughts. trophies and awards You can follow any responses to this entry with the RSS 2.0 feed.
wonderful little interlude of art and life, that when they go to brac

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