Saturday, October 11, 2014

.This Blog, was created as a personal diary made public. And

Donate a smile is easier than you think >> lupoabruzzese We are born alone, we live in packs, eat-dog! Die Alone ... and then? Ubi societas ibi lex. But what lex? If you tell me I forget, let me see if I remember, if I understand .. involvement
.This Blog, was created as a personal diary made public. And 'complementary, as an experiment, for professional non-profit and academic research of the author in the field of communication, the world of youth (information centers) and voluntary civil protection. The comments off topic, anonymous or not identifiable by the head of the blog are not taken into account. Thank you all for your cooperation. My name is John and I operate a local authority, in the province of L'Aquila. On the occasion of the province in 2010, so were not atrophied voting rights, I joined a proposed cadidatura of a civic political committee. It 'was the first and maybe the last time I did politics.
You can believe in capitalism or communism, but if in your heart and in your mind there is only selfishness and the others are just "things" to be used or exploited, there can never be any form of government that can guarantee peace, justice and libertà.dal site " bangladesh fire
"In what we believe God is raised" (Nomads-Sinatra) My great-grandparents John and Rosangela and my grandmother Rachel. Earliest '900. "Have the courage to use your own understanding" (Immanuel Kant)
"Being bangladesh fire strong is a must. Not to overpower the weak, but to invite to 'think' the oppressors" "Life is wonderful. Goes bad, we die!" (John Pizzocchia) The cemetery is full of indispensable people! "We must try to reconcile the maximum of individual freedom with the greatest bangladesh fire of civil solidarity. Such are the pressures, the problems of our time. Because an unrestrained freedom can lead to anarchy and excessive control can lead to suffocation of freedom."
.. "Today, the biggest risk about the war. This is the real problem. I do not believe in the possibility of eliminating the conflict according to me is unavoidable. But the risks are greater today than ever before because the same creative and destructive power of man has increased dramatically, as we all know ... .Today risk the destruction of the world, of humanity ... ..
"The moral revolution evening ou elle evening will pas" (Charles Peguy) "Believe me, the real cause and that makes real men lose power is that they are diventatii ndegni to exercise it." (Alexis de Tocqueville) bangladesh fire "A meeting to two: eye to eye, face to face. And when you're near I pluck your eyes to put them in place of my own, and you gather the my eyes to put them in place of your own, then you I will look with your eyes and you will look at me with mine. " bangladesh fire
Man is the only animal whose existence is a problem to be solved (by Erich Fromm) bangladesh fire "the civilization of a people is measured by the way it treats its animals (Gandhi)
Michele Del Greek, pastor, December 22, 1943 Badia Sulmona jail before bangladesh fire the shooting by the Nazis is not the place in society that makes me rich, but my opinions; these I can take with me .... Only these I own, and I may be removed. Epictetus bangladesh fire (Discourses) "Imagination is more important than knowledge" (A. Einstein) Imagination is more important than knowledge "" If I let the bridle on the neck to the press, does not rest on the power pù three-day "(Napoleon Bonaparte) Better for a paeseuna press without a government than a government without a free press. (Thomas Jefferson) "We believe that some truths bangladesh fire are self-evident: that all men are created equal; which were by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these there are life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. "(Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826)" The freedom and uguaglianzadegli bangladesh fire men are not undato of fact but an ideal to be pursued ... a duty. " (The Age of Rights. Norberto Bobbio) "It 's only about the desperate hope that we are given a" (Walter Benjamin) This is my commandment, that you love one another via .. (John 15:12) to write: that

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