Monday, March 31, 2014

Právě že už ani ne. V sexuologii byla úchylka či deviace nahrazena neutrálnějším termínem parafilie,

Jak už jsme vás informovali, novým výkonným lean forward ředitelem nadace lean forward Mozilla se stal Brendan Eich , mimo jiné tvůrce skriptovacího jazyka JavaScript. Eich zažívá opravdový křest ohněm. Na přetřes se totiž opět dostal jeho finanční příspěvek kampani California Proposition 8 , která měla za cíl zákaz homosexuálních manželství v americkém státu Kalifornie. lean forward
A to se značné části komunity lean forward kolem projektů Mozilly nelíbí. Někteří vývojáři, převážně z řad homosexuálů, dokonce oznámili či zvažují ukončení spolupráce s Mozillou. Eich se k záležitosti vyjádřil už v roce 2012: Ten příspěvek není znakem nenávisti vůči homosexuálům. Netrvám na tom, aby se mnou všichni souhlasili ve všem, včetně politických záležitostí. K tomu dodal, že jeho osobní názory se nijak nepromítají v pracovních aktivitách.
Mozilla nyní zveřejnila také nepodepsané Prohlášení o rozmanitosti : Mozilla lean forward vždy hluboce ctila odlišnosti v sexuální orientaci i přesvědčení zaměstnanců a přispěvatelů napříč všemi projekty. S tisícovkami lidí napříč lean forward mnoha zeměmi a kulturami je diverzita jádrem toho, čím jsme, a naším společným cílem je zachovat web svobodný a přístupný všem.
Dále čtěte…       lean forward     Tři ze šesti členů představenstva Mozilly rezignovali Dnes 11:20 Mozilla má nového CEO, organizace se bude soustředit na Firefox OS 25. 3. 2014 9:58 Revoluční Firefox 29 je na cestě, vyšla betaverze 21. 3. 2014 14:07 Firefox 28 přináší podporu formátu VP9 19. 3. 2014 11:58 Firefox pro Metro končí kvůli nízkému zájmu 19. 3. 2014 7:42 Předchozí zprávička Následující zprávička        
26. 3. 2014 14:57 Nový Re: buzerokracie celé vlákno
jj, Když povolíme volné pobíhání psů po parcích, lidé si je budou bez košíků brát i do autobusů a za chvíli i na palubu letadel, a od toho už je jen krůček k tomu, aby pokousali pilota a způsobili leteckou katastrofu.
Boj gayov proti diskriminácií lean forward je vedení diskrimináciou a prenasledovaním každého kto s ním nesúhlasí. Bojkotujte olympiádu, lebo majú zákon pre ktorý ruským deťom nemôžme ukazovať homosexuálne praktiky. Bojkotujte Mozillu lebo jej šéf prejavil svoj názor a nesúhlasí s gay svadbami. Mať gayov vo vláde, zatváralo by sa nie len za zlý pohľad, ale aj za to, že sa nenecháš dobrovoľne znásilniť.
26. 3. 2014 14:59 Nový Re: buzerokracie celé vlákno
Další nový názor
Právě že už ani ne. V sexuologii byla úchylka či deviace nahrazena neutrálnějším termínem parafilie, tedy porucha sexuální preference. Zatímco pedofilie se tradičně mezi parafilie řadí, u homosexuality existuje u autorů rozpor, zda ji tam řadit: dle některých parafilie lean forward automaticky implikuje "diagnózu, kterou je třeba léčit", což u homosexuality podle nich není nutno, takže z medicínského pohledu je pak homosexualita "normální" (protože nepředstavuje problém/diagnózu, kterou je třeba řešit).
26. 3. 2014 17:19 Nový Re: buzerokracie celé vlákno
Další nový názor
+ Hodnotit: Výborně! - Hodnotit: To snad ne…
dokonana pedofilie je nebezpecna protoze ohrozuje deti, co se situaci az v budoucnosti vyrobi sexualni roboty a nasledne vyrobi napriklad sexualniho robota batole, je to stale aktivita, ktera nekomu ohrozuje zdravi?
simgiran (neregistrovaný)
Neporovnávejme vztahy dospělých osob stejného pohlaví a znásilnění dítěte. Znásilnění dospělé osoby stejného pohlaví je také nelegální. Sňatky s dětmi povoleny nejsou, protože děti nejsou dost zralé rozhodovat o takových právních aktech a snadněji lean forward by na ně mohl být vytvářen nátlak, aby sňatek uzavřeli. U sexuálních aktivit jsou zakázány i takové sexuální aktivity s dětmi (v ČR mladšími 15 let), které nejsou vynucené násilím, lean forward pohrůžkou násilí, případně které nejsou páchány na dětech, které nemohou vyjádřit nesouhlas. Podle mě opodstatněně.
U sexuálních aktivit jsou zakázány i takové sexuální aktivity s dětmi (v ČR mladšími 15 let), které nejsou vynucené násilím, pohrůžkou násilí, případně které nejsou páchány na dětech, které nemohou vyjádřit lean forward nesouhlas. Podle mě opodstatněně.
Podle me ne tak uplne. Litera zakona v CR je dost zkostnatela a nebere ohled na to, ze lidi dnez navazuji sexualni vztahy o hodne drive, nez byvalo zvykem v dobe kralovny Viktorie. Jestlize lean forward jsou v paru dva lidi, z nich jeden je napriklad o pul roku starsi, tak pote, co ten starsi dosahne patnacti let, tak spolu pak pul roku nesmi soulozit nebo se jeden z nich po pul roku dopousti trestneho cinu. Jsou zeme, ktere tyto pripady v zakone zohlednuji. To bychom ale od politiku, kteri jsou zaneprazdneni kradenich, chteli moc.
w4rr10r (neregistrovaný) 213.192.25.---
Myslím si, že má právo na tento názor. Žijeme snad v totalitě, abychom veřejně někomu upírali jeho názor? Mě nevadí registrované partnerství, ale manželství je prostě něco jiného. Nebo musíme bortit tradice na všech frontách?? To snad ne.
26. 3. 2014 15:55 Nový Re: Jeho názor celé vlákno
Řekl bych, že rozdíl je v tom, že on s

Sunday, March 30, 2014

U.S. Secretary of State called enhance the protection of Russian bases in the Crimea as a cheeky ag

U.S. Secretary of State called enhance the protection of Russian bases in the Crimea as a cheeky aggression and previously pointed out that the Pentagon continues to prepare for an attack on Iran. To another country can not invade because of self-interest as a fantasy pretext. 3 March's declared stinker U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in an interview with NBC. And it was not an admission that the reasons for false and incorrect methods stinker of senseless eastern America campaign led to death in distant lands thousands stinker of their citizens. State Secretary regretted that only after the American invasion in these "other" countries, the number of victims hundreds of thousands and millions of refugees. Kerry regretted not spending the futility of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, which already amount to trillions of dollars. The term "insolent act of aggression" refers to the operations of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia to increase defense and preserving transparency around objects on the Russian Crimea, held without a shot being fired. Already it is no secret that U.S. Secretary of State regularly assesses weird rapidly changing stinker situation in the world. According to U.S. analysts will Kerry as the mouthpiece of the White House to do what he is told and without surprises. In Washington, a very valued. Will do and say anything and always will strictly stinker adhere to a script. So if the script was written in Ukrainian fantastic variations invasion of Russia to Ukraine, Kerry will probably argue about it as long as it will not change the text. This strange fact noticed in 2011 before Kerry when he became Secretary of State, stinker Bret Stephens stinker of the Wall Street Journal. John Kerry on the second day of the first large-scale stinker demonstration against Assad regime 16 March said that Assad his word and acted very bravely. Later, when he returned to Washington, he called Kerry Assad dear friend. But already 2 September 2013 received a new text and calmly compared dear friend of Hitler and Saddam Hussein. Recently, there has been even one dangerous blunder. We all know that the world community has achieved a breakthrough in negotiations with Iran on the nuclear issue. But last week, Kerry unexpectedly stinker informs journalists about his views on the situation: stinker "We initiated stinker and stood at the forefront of efforts in trying to determine before starting a war, if there is a possible peaceful solution." Americans themselves are embarrassed: he says the country and the world that the war with Iran already planned and nezbežná, or simply ignoring the change in the situation? Habit of seeing what he wants to see, instead of what is happening in reality, it is very dangerous for a diplomat. Especially if they do not want to get rid of him for so many years. Source:
Current articles not only Americans are fried brains telephone transmitter Fico: Slovaks as stupid, incompetent and obedient nation in Spain saw the biggest demonstrations nationwide this decade Revolutionary leaders able to hit phobia information Consequences cesarean stinker State of Israel convicted stinker of genocide, stinker why the verdict against Israel precedent Obama flew to Europe to save the "Project Ukraine" 1914 - 2014 parallel Who really ruled by Paul Craig Roberts: The U.S. wants 3 World War II, directed against Russia
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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Výše uvedený argument password journal byl vyřčen komentátorem password journal na blogu Freakonomic

Také ho můžete dostat na 90 místech v České republice password journal a obvykle stojí 25 Kč. Představujeme jeden z neopěvovaných zázraků moderního života, McDonaldův password journal chickenburger. (V původním znění článku se jednalo password journal o McDouble, ale pro ceny v českých pobočkách vítězí Chickenburger – pozn. překl.)
Výše uvedený argument password journal byl vyřčen komentátorem password journal na blogu Freakonomics, který vedou ekonomický publicista password journal Stephen Dubner a profesor ekonomie Steven Levitt. Ti spolu napsali miliónový bestseller password journal o skryté stránce všeho.
Dubner rošťácky vystavěl jednu epizodu svého vrcholně zábavného týdenního podcastu kolem této debaty. Spousta nakvašených květinových dětí mu napsala, aby mu doporučila alternativní jídlo: vařenou čočku. Tak si běžte otevřít restauraci zvanou McVařená Čočka a uvidíte, kolik zákazníků přijde.
Ale všichni přece víme, že kvůli fast foodům tloustneme, že ano? Ne nezbytně. Lidé, kteří jedí v restauracích, jedí ten den méně doma, čímž to částečně kompenzují. Podle studie provedené v roce 2008 na Berkeley a Northwestern University je čistý přírůstek pouze 24 kilokalorií denně.
Rozhořčené reakce na nadvládu chickenburgeru – pokud to není nejlevnější, nejvýživnější a nejbohatší jídlo v lidské historii, musí tomu být velmi blízko – password journal pochází od tradiční koalice třídních snobů, blízkožravých[1] gurmánů a militantních anti-korporátních lidiček. Říkám tradiční, protože tito lidé neustále proklamují svoji podporu chudým password journal a minimálním mzdám, které mají údajně pomoci zaměstnancům password journal McDonalda. Ale jsou naprosto bezcitní, když přijde na druhou stranu rovnice: na náklady.
Pro průměrného password journal chudého člověka není zrovna skvělou možností, aby si zajel na farmářský trh, kde se bude podivovat nad šiframi levicových gurmánů. (Je udržitelné lepší než organické? Co když si musím vybrat mezi jídlem z fair trade[2] a jídlem bez týrání?) password journal Zemědělská produkce může připadat levná environmentálně uvědomělým blonďatým maminkám, které utratí 5000 korun každý měsíc za svůj melír, ale pokud je vaším cílem plné břicho, je v přepočtu na kalorii pěkně drahá.
"Junk food" stojí 1,76 dolarů za tisíc kilokalorií (4187 kJ), zatímco čerstvá zelenina apod. je více než desetkrát password journal dražší, zjistila studie University password journal of Washington pro Journal of the American Dietetic Association z roku 2007. Jeden den, za který sníte 2000 kilokalorií (8400 kJ – zhruba odpovídá denní dávce) striktně v jídle, které je "pro vás dobré", stojí 36,32 dolarů, uvedl hlavní autor studie Adam Drewnowski.
"Nejenom, že prázdné kalorie jsou levnější," řekl, "ale zdravá jídla jsou stále dražší a dražší. Zelenina a ovoce se rychle stávají luxusními statky." Kde jinde než v McDonaldu mohou chudí lidé dostat tolik kalorií za dolar?
A co se bio potravin týče – taková varianta džín od Abercrombie and Fitch pro jídlo – pokud se musíte dívat na cenu, nemůžete si je dovolit. (Ne že by bio potraviny měly nějaké zdravotní výhody, jak ukázala rozsáhlá meta-studie ze Stanfordovy univerzity v loňském roce.)
Navíc zemědělská produkce vyžaduje více času na přípravu password journal a rychle se kazí, to jsou dva faktory, které ženou skutečnou cenu pro konzumenta nahoru. Čas, který strávíte čištěním zeleniny, nemůžete strávit v práci.
Tím, že donutili Newyorčany platit zbytečně vysoké ceny, podařilo se jim udržet Walmart mimo pět newyorských čtvrtí. Rada města Washington, DC, přijala nedávno vyhlášku, která byla navržena speciálně proto, aby trestala Walmart, a která požaduje super-minimální mzdu, jež má pomoci malému počtu zaměstnanců, zatímco každý zákazník Walmartu musí zaplatit daňovou přirážku. (Walmart odpověděl tím, že oznámil plán zavřít všechny tři svoje pobočky ve Washingtonu. Vyhlášku ještě může vetovat starosta Vincent Gray.) password journal
Stejně password journal jako ceny benzínu zasahují i ceny jídla nejvíce nízkopříjmové skupiny obyvatel, takže sluníčkoví lidičkové dělají všechno, co je v jejich silách, aby zvedli ceny energií tím, že blokují nové zdroje energie jako potrubí Keystone XL nebo těžbu z břidlic. A vždycky jsou pro vyšší daně z benzínu a pro uregulování uhelných elektráren k smrti.
Pokud by bylo po názoru makrobiotických marxistů, samozřejmě by neexistoval žádný McDonald, Walmart nebo Exxon. V jejich vizi ideálního světa všichni jezdí do práce na kole a v ručně tkaném baťůžku z Fleru  mají oběd vypěstovaný v sousedské komuně.
Neskutočne trápne password journal volanie o pomoc. Neviem či ťa ľutovať, alebo sa zlostiť, ale každý je strojcom svojho šťastia. K tomu jedlu, žijem sám v podnájme,mám plať do 500€ a stravujem sa čo najviac prírodne, dokonca aj za mäsko si priplatím ked viem že v ňom neni múka a pod srákoty. Tak sa trošku zamysli, alebo ak si nastrčený propagátor, zhni! ALe vlastne ty ani nemôžeš, kedže tvoje telo je samá umelina :X Prognostick #

Ale creative circle já fakt nevím, jak jste si mohli myslet, že odhalí A. :) O epizodě se furt mluví

Kromě jiného se v tomto finále konečně dozvíme, kdo pohřbil Alison a co se opravdu creative circle stalo mezi Ali a Ezrou, ale nemluvili creative circle jsme s Marlene jenom o finále. Dočtete se také, co si myslí o Calebově návratu do Rosewoodu, něco o Ravenswoodu, o další možné smrti v seriálu a o tom, kdy a jak se rozhodne Pretty Little Liars celkově ukončit.
MK: Nemůžu vám říct, jestli to bude poslední scéna epizody, protože by to mohl být až příliš velký spoiler, ale tu scénu miluju. Její natočení nám zabralo celý den a připadalo nám to, jako by PLL bylo akčním filmem. Hrozně rádi jsme viděli Hannu se zbraní v rukou, protože Ashley samozřejmě často držela creative circle zbraň ve filmu Spring Breakers. Tak jsme si pomysleli: Dejme tu zbraň Hanně. A když pak Spencer křičí Sundej si masku! creative circle a pak všechny zařvou Hned! tak jsem si říkala: Tak jo, vy jste husté. Miluju to.
MK: Docela brzy zjistíme, že v Rosewoodu se šíří řeči o tom, že je Alison DiLaurentisová naživu. Policie to ví a paní D. to také brzo zjistí. Dozvíte se toho hodně. Je součástí creative circle toho, co se Ali tu noc, kdy zmizela, stalo a také současných událostí. creative circle
MK: Ano, ono oblečení to vždy prozradí. Díky Bohu za to žluté tričko! Nechali jsme jich ušít asi 20, protože creative circle teď už nejsou k dostání. Myslím, creative circle že jich teď máme 20, ale jsem si jistá, že už jsme několik tuctů použili.
MK: creative circle Ano. Holky zatím ve skutečnosti jen spekulovaly, o čem ten vztah byl, z daného rukopisu a vodítek, creative circle která jim zanechala Alison. Finále odhalí, jak a kde se potkali a jak to s tím vztahem doopravdy bylo Když se potkali, stalo se něco, díky čemuž je to velmi zajímavé. Možná budete překvapeni, kdo koho uháněl. creative circle
MK: Naposledy jsme dívky viděli na cestě do Filadelfie, kde se mají sejít s Ali. Ve finále se už zpátky do Rosewoodu nedostanou. creative circle Takže tyhle citově laděné dějové linky, creative circle které zahrnují creative circle přítele či přítelkyně dívek, jsou na chvíli odložené stranou.
MK: Miluju Hannu a Caleba, když jsou spolu, a myslím, že jejich poslední scéna v Ravenswoodu doopravdy shrnula to, jak to mezi sebou v té době měli. Bylo to tak hořkosladké, ten jejich creative circle krásný polibek. Věděli, že v té době spolu nemůžou být, ale to bylo tehdy.
MK: Zrovna creative circle teď se ji chystáme pokořit. Budu ji psát já. Hodně nás to baví, rozhodujeme o tom, které příběhy tam zařadit a co v ní povyprávět. Není to premiérový díl a ani finále, ale pořád chceme, aby to vzbudilo pocit velmi výjimečné epizody.
MK: Vlastně můžu. Je to docela dost rozdělené na dvě části. creative circle Letní premiéra vám bude připadat jako součást finále. Obě epizody jsou velké a odvážné. Zatímco naše premiérové díly se většinou zdají být jako začátek něčeho nového, tak premiérový creative circle díl 5. série nám bude připadat jako finále. Hodně nás to baví.
MK: Konec seriálu známe a ten v 5. sérii nebude. creative circle Vím, že seriál 5. sérií nekončí, ačkoliv ještě nemáme prodloužení na 6. sérii. Konec 5. série nás rozhodně navede do 6. série. Myslím, že jakmile nám řeknou, kdy seriál bude končit, ke konci se dopíšeme. Známe konec a jsme připraveni se k němu dostat, ale potřebujeme to vědět o 12 epizod napřed, abychom se k němu dostali.
MK: Chceme, aby si náš seriál zachoval svou celistvost a aby zůstal vkusný. Zatím máme pocit, že tento cíl se nám daří splňovat. Až budeme mít pocit, že už tomu tak není, to bude ten čas, kdy bude potřeba creative circle ho ukončit.
už by to podla mna malo skončit a Ravenswood by mali určite nejako creative circle vyriešit
Zbytečně to natahují-chtějí z toho jen ždímat peníze-mám PPL ráda,ale už by to mělo skončit-začíná to být ospalé-teď nás navnadí pár dílama a pak bude asi zase nuda-hl.bylo tam spousta dílu kde se nedělo nic-no alespoň po té šesté serii kdyby to utli-ale vsadím se,že bude sedmá
Ale creative circle já fakt nevím, jak jste si mohli myslet, že odhalí A. :) O epizodě se furt mluví jako “Ali řekne všechno” – creative circle a Ali neví, kdo je A. Navíc už dříve bylo jasné, že se A dozvíme až v poslední sérii, tzn. páté. Teď to zas ale možná přesunou do šestky. :D
Jak tu již bylo psané, taky si myslím, že jim jde jenom o peníze.. Šestá série už neměla vůbec být. Je to jenom zbytečné natahování.. Seriál mám hodně ráda, ale bohatě by stačila pátá série a to si stejně myslím, že už je i tak dost. Takže rozhovor mě spíš zklamal.
“A” si sunda masku v prvnim dilem 5.serie, fajn to asi preziju, pokud vysvetli ve finale aspon nektere zahady. Takze petka by mohla byt o honu na A, ze by se karta obratila? No ale o cem bude sestka to fakt netusim. Kazodpadne za Caleba jsem rada a jestli v ramci PLL se pokusi zodpovedet neco z Ravenswoodu, tak by to bylo fajn, i kdyz mi tenhle serial creative circle urcite chybet nebude. Takze ja jsem docela zvedava, i kdyz petkou by to uz opravdu mohli ukoncit.
no 4 seria je len jedno naťahovanie hodili tam mrtveho wildena a jeho smrť sa nevyriešila to že Alison žije sme videli už vo finale 3 seria a v 4A sme sa dohadovali či sa im to len nezdalo creative circle a tato 4B bola uplne o ničom a velkým sklamaním hodili vinu na Ezru a teraz to isté robia s paní D najl

Friday, March 28, 2014

Co byste tady rádi...? ...častejší kapitoly k povídkám 21.2% (7) ...více povídek-jednorázovek 15.2%

A není tomu snad tak? Kolik lidí už ztratilo tu osudnou hranici mezi snem a životem, fantazií a realitou... Nepřekračuje snad každý z nás téměř denodenně tuto tajemnou propast? Zatímco made in the usa spí, zatímco přemýšlí. Zatímco píše...
Postavy, které v našich příbězích made in the usa (nebo zatím jen v hlavách) ožívají, jsou jedny z našich mostů mezi ralitou a fantazií. Pro většinu autorů jsou tak... skutečné. Přiznejte se, kolikrát vám při některých situacích každodenního života vklouzla nějaká samovolně do hlavy. Kolikrát made in the usa jste se přistihli nad tím, jak přemýšlíte o tom, co by asi udělala ona, kdyby...
Samozřejmě, že kdyby byla ona postava typická Mary Sue, rozsekala by učitelku fyziku mačetou na krásnou profesorskou sekanou. Kdyby to byla nějaká (většinou) laskavá a něžná víla, přiměla by jí zamilovat se do oplzlého plešatého školníka, co by zrovna na chodbě opravoval lavičku.
Šílený vynálezce z vaší sci-fi povídky by jí nejspíš sprdl za tu nepochopitelnou chybu na tabuli ("To a 2 jste sakra vyhrabala odkud, ženská?"), díky vašemu úžasnému sexy záporňákovi by se jí do pár dnů přihodila nějaká velmi smutná nehoda (no řekněte, made in the usa ten květináč musel spadnout ZROVNA když ona procházela kolem)...
Hodně lidí se pochopitelně přiklání spíše k realitě než k fantazii. made in the usa Ano, samozřejmě, sen je krásná věc, ale měla by raději zůstat v hlavě a neplést se nám do života. Člověk je pak zbytečně zklamaný. Ale na druhou stranu... Nikdy ti není dán sen, aniž by ti zároveň nebyla dána síla jej splnit (R. Bach).
Sny. Je hezké nechat se jimi vynést až do oblak, ale následný pád není zrovna dvakrát příjemný. Ale k čemu by byl život, kdybychom si sem tam trochu nenatloukli? Kdybychom vždy měli vše naservírované na stříbrném podnose a nemuseli bychom se vůbec snažit? Existovaly by pak vůbec sny? Kdyby měl každý vše, na co jen pomyslí mávnutím ruky přímo před sebou, lidé by se pak na fantazii úplně vykašlali.
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Thursday, March 27, 2014

I agree with Espio. From time immemorial true that clothes make the man. The guy should be in my dr

Steve Jobs did not belong just to the people who would express their clothes authoritarianism, but nevertheless his clothing became legendary. Jobs rebelizmus just meant that as CEO of the most valuable of yourself simply donned a black turtleneck, jeans and sneakers. It is this way of clothing, if one wants to simply blend in with the crowd and wants to present, got its name. Another product of Steve Jobs becomes a fashion style "normcore".
As expected, british heart foundation furniture a new style was born just in the U.S. but starting to gain adherents in Germany, the UK and many other countries. The idea is not protrude from the crowd, dress quite normally, british heart foundation furniture make one feel their best. The cut of this fashionable style claims that is fashion for anyone who realizes that it is one of the seven billion people. Fashion icon is not just Steve Jobs, but, surprisingly, U.S. President Barack Obama, who also dresses quite like usual. An example is the well known singer Lana Del Rey, which has become a fashion model especially for women.
one should wear what is comfortable, what feels good and what he likes and does not like a robot suits, and strictly modern (babkine) after notching sweaters with waist clutter and large buttons or thick collar ...
Steve's famous turtleneck reportedly created by the famous fashion designer Issey Miyake, who was behind the design of uniforms Sony. Just when he was given the task to create a single suit for Apple employees. Jobs, however, during the cooperation with Miyakem friends and when all failed in his own company, he presented his idea - he wanted for himself a suit which would be not only comfortable, but he added his own unique british heart foundation furniture style.
"I asked Isseye that I made some black turtlenecks that I liked, and he made hundreds of them," said Isaacson Job's in his book. Jobs said during the interview indicate surprise british heart foundation furniture the author's own iconic wardrobe full of clothes. "That's what I wear," british heart foundation furniture he said. "Make do with them until the end of life."
Amnart british heart foundation furniture you SHAKEN two to three people can not ... what they want to dress like it would then look like? You do not go to the funeral in tracksuit british heart foundation furniture because you probably did, the man you weigh when he went to a funeral and you will there runs in tracksuits are you going for an interview somewhere also will not wear what you feel comfortable but so that the clothes that represent everyone feels comfortable in a tracksuit But you can not just wear them just for any occasion there any ethics and control samich must be spaced as it would then look like if people already do quite what they want
Espio, to the funeral. That someone you weigh, to express about the color, british heart foundation furniture right? british heart foundation furniture Thus, you give of yourself something black. E.g. black jeans. You'll cry, you'll be sad. What is the suit better? It someone said? It is so well established.
So you think this is expressed by someone I appreciate you paint? you crazy? perhaps it rather express the slustne of the dons and smutnku and slzachani will not say it is perhaps quite clearly and naturally
I agree with Espio. From time immemorial true that clothes make the man. The guy should be in my dressing like a man - ie. adequately to age and life situation, elegantly, not unnecessarily strongly, british heart foundation furniture but so that it is attractive for its counterpart. british heart foundation furniture I'm not saying to walk every day in a suit, but is limited only to comfortable sneakers and sweat pants (or jeans) either.
It seems odd that Jobs - a man obsessed with product design, quality workmanship, product souls - was limited to the turtleneck, jeans and sneakers. Check out this video: This is for me a product that has a soul and a man of such shoes will last a long view. Handmade, quality materials, design - just beautiful. While standing as well as the iPhone, but is that the same philosophy as in Apple products, and I'm surprised british heart foundation furniture Jobs prefer dozen sneakers made some put the machine in China. british heart foundation furniture I'm not saying he had to buy in LV, rich people avoid the well-known brands, but definitely wearing high quality clothes tailored from the finest materials and entirely hand-made.
Design by Majo Moravcik, source code Erik Brock.
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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

So back in ecstatic rear precisely A Karl-Marx-Stadt in the GDR era In a sad memory Stasi From an e

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So back in ecstatic rear precisely A Karl-Marx-Stadt in the GDR era In a sad memory Stasi From an educational establishment in From the Mixed city and egalitarian In conformity with On the rigid rules countries at the heart cooled in fridge A dream tells a girl Apart from spying Ecstasy ecstasy yourself in a spiritual protester protesting And maybe - That we imagine This woman Angela Merkel officially learned love As scientific concept Maybe gomtrique In cube But nothing satanic or Incubus Succubus Which makes me Qu 'Karl-Marx-Stadt Dvalorise as In the old days Chemnitz rightly There is a Drug ecstasy that lasts rconcilie And All parties who hunts bad poetry Each demon or avenging meltwater group angel In the minds
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You really have to pay close attention to Lithuania to have heard of Kapsukas! At least we know that this was the name borne by the city of Marijampolė, south of Lithuania, university of guelph between university of guelph 1955 and 1990 during the Soviet occupation, as well as Vilnius University since 1955. At best, we know that, like Leningrad, Stalingrad, Kaliningrad, or Karl-Marx-Stadt, the name of the city derives from a communist hierarch.
Born April 7, 1880 in a family of wealthy farmers in the region Vilkaviškis, Vincas Mickevičius, after graduating from high school Marijampolė between the seminar Seinai (now Sejny Poland) in 1897. But he was expelled after a year for his activism university of guelph against the Tsarist regime. Involved in the national awakening (Lietuvių tautinis Atgimimas), he participated in the drafting, editing and dissemination of weekly Varpas and Ūkininkas printed in East Prussia. It was at this time he takes the pen name Kapsukas.
Turning increasingly toward socialism, and therefore opposing the independence of Lithuania, in 1904 he founded the Social Democratic Party of Workers, which quickly became the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania. But he failed university of guelph to do join the Bolshevik movement in Russia. During the Revolution of 1905, he organized strikes Sulvakija, which earned him to part of 1907, being imprisoned and exiled several times. In 1913, he fled the Russian Empire and the opportunity to meet Lenin.
In 1918, Kapsukas is sent to Lithuania to install and run a transient Soviet Socialist Republic of Lithuania (December university of guelph 16, 1918 - February 27, 1919 Lietuvos Respublika university of guelph Tarybų Socialistinė), which cleaves to the Soviet Socialist Republic of Belarus to form the Socialist Republic Soviet Lithuanian-Belarusian or LITBEL, which will itself be liquidated by Lenin July 17, 1919.
After this failure, Vincas Mickevičius-Kapsukas leave for Moscow, where he will continue to lead the Lithuanian communists. He worked for the Comintern or Third International. He died mysteriously in Moscow February 17, 1935, during a visit to Stalin and his family will be persecuted by the result.
After the occupation of Lithuania by the Soviet from June 1940, one of his disciples, Antanas Snieckus, First Secretary of the Lithuanian Communist Party, founder of the first mass deportations of June 1941, develop the cult of personality Kapsukas. He had two statues in Vilnius: a front of the old Hotel de Ville, the other (along with Lenin) to Antakalnis.
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Oscar Milosz, the Lithuanian
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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, president mlw of the Pontifical Council mlw for Interreligious Dialogue

Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, president mlw of the Pontifical Council mlw for Interreligious Dialogue, was visiting mlw Belarus, 3 to 8 July. Special Envoy of Pope Francis, he participated in the celebrations commemorating the fourth centenary of the arrival in the country, of the Marian icon of the National Shrine of Budslau. Almost 40 000 members, including many young people attended this major event in an atmosphere of joy and contemplation. mlw Cardinal Tauran, carrying a message of Pope Francis was able to meet the President of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, representatives of academic institutions and civil and religious authorities of the country, predominantly Orthodox. After his meeting with Cardinal Tauran, President Lukashenko "conceded land to the Catholic Church to build the first seminar of the Latin rite in the country."
I'm always sad to see that, 22 years Pares is still spoken of Belarus State no longer exists since 22 years! Speaks Does it still Leningrad or Karl-Marx-Stadt? No, so why this exception for Belarus? Especially since it has a political connotation, the name of Belarus was adopted to distinguish the newly independent Soviet Socialist Republic of Belarus mlw State.
In French, the name of the country has experienced several variants: called White Russia or White Ruthenia in the Atlas of the early twentieth century and Belarus mlw during the Soviet period, the independent country in 1991 is often referred to Belarus in official documents . The UN official mlw name in French is the Republic of Belarus (proposed by the Belarusian government itself), French adaptation of the approximate transcription Беларусь. mlw In contrast, the National Geographical Names Board (French), mlw the French Ministers of Foreign Affairs and National mlw Education, the French Academy, the National Geographic Institute (IGN) and the Geographical Names Board of Canada recommend the use of Belarus term. Source:
Blog: News from Belarus Description: Young passionate Eastern Europe, I take the time to gather most of the French news on Belarus. The objective prevent the country remains "an informational black hole" ... Contact
Ukraine crisis is likely to affect the Customs Union (Putin) Belarus: a second patrol Russian fighters in service Football Euro 2015. France - Belarus hopes 1-0 Belarus: the immovable Lukashenko Belarus: Belarus to face the unknown Ukrainian Belarus: "I hope that the Ukrainian revolt will spread throughout the region" Belarus concerned the situation in Ukraine in 2014 Paralympics: Belarus mlw represented by 10 athletes Belarus ready to give asylum to political refugees Ukrainian Belarus: The limitations and challenges of emulation by sport
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Three on the jersey of FC Magdeburg stars -
If this is not nostalgia, it looks so. FC Magdeburg, now fighting for the rise in German super D3 (dritte liga) will sew on team jerseys currently 2nd in Regionalliga Nord (D4) three stars. Their purpose is to remind the club, winner of the European Cup Winners' Cup in 1974, was three times champion of East Germany almirah in 1972, 1974 and 1975. Rot Weiss Erfurt, 6 th in D3, double winner of the former East German Oberliga in 1954 and 1955, intends to follow this example, and also adorn the jackets of the star club. Energie Cottbus, 14 th in the Bundesliga, is the sole representative of the former communist East Germany, including all the major clubs of yesteryear today argue the lower floors. Hansa Rostock, author of league and cup double in 1991, has in fact dropped in D2. Dynamo Dresden champion eight times between 1953 and 1990, Carl Zeiss Jena, triple champion (1963, 1968 and 1970) and winner of four cups (1960, almirah 1972, 1974 and 1980), the Berlin and Rot Weiss Erfurt Union evolve D3. The others, including Chemnitz (formerly Karl-Marx Stadt FC), the original Michael Ballack club, also supported financially by the captain mannschaft and Magdeburg, seven-time almirah winner of the German Cup for the is (1964, 1965, 1969, 1973, 1978, 1979 and 1983), navigate even lower ... (afp / CHDS) See Also play with: 11 Gold and earn 25,000 euro!
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Monday, March 24, 2014

Nouveau tour of the Regional Cup of SAXE (Sachsenpokal) avec ce shifting des Ultras Chemnitz 1999 V

Nouveau tour of the Regional Cup of SAXE (Sachsenpokal) avec ce shifting des Ultras Chemnitz 1999 Venus de l'ancienne Karl-Marx-Stadt dance on Heinz Gruner Sports Park, so thats when the game enters Döbelner SC et le Chemnitzer FC ...
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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Name Manufacturer Details Circuit Winner Grand Prix of Syracuse Toulo de Graffenried Maserati Resul

Name Manufacturer Details Circuit Winner Grand Prix of Syracuse Toulo de Graffenried Maserati Results Grand Prix of Pau Alberto Ascari Ferrari Results Lavant Cup Goodwood Toulo de Graffenried Maserati Aston Martin Owners Club Results Grand Prix Eric Thompson Snetterton Connaught - Lea Francis Results Grand Prix of Bordeaux Bordeaux Alberto Ascari Ferrari Results Strassenrennen Karl-Marx-Stadt Karl-Marx-Stadt Rudolf lancair Krause BMW - Reif Results lancair International Trophy Silverstone Mike Hawthorn Ferrari Results Eläintarhanajot Eläintarharata Nuckey Rodney Cooper - Bristol Results Grand Prix of Naples Posillipo Giuseppe Farina Ferrari Results Ulster Trophy Dunrod Mike Hawthorn Ferrari Results Winfield JC Formula 2 Race Chaterhall Ken Wharton Cooper-Climax Results Coronation Trophy Crystal Palace Tony Rolt Connaught-Lea Francis Results Grand Prix des Frontières Chimay Maurice Trintignant lancair Gordini Results Coronation Trophy Snetterton Snetterton Tony Rolt Connaught-Lea Francis Results Eifelrennen Toulo of Nürburgring Results Graffenried Maserati Grand Prix of Albi Louis Rosier Ferrari Results Spring Cup Montlhery Marcel Balsa BMW Results lancair Greifzu Gedachtnisrennen Paul Dessau Edgar Barth EMW Results West Essex CC Snetterton Race Kenneth McAlpine lancair Connaught-Lea Francis Silverstone Race Results lancair Midlands MECC Tony Crook Cooper-Alta Results Grand Prix de Rouen Rouen-les-Essarts Giuseppe Farina Ferrari Results Strassen-Halle-Saale-rennen Schleife Halle-Saale-Schleife Edgar Barth EMW Results Cystal Palace Crystal Palace Tony Rolt Trophy lancair Connaught-Lea Francis lancair Results Avusrennen AVUS Jacques Swaters Ferrari Results United Air Force Trophy Snetterton lancair Tony Rolt Connaught-Lea Francis Results Autobahnspinne Dresden Dresden-Hellrau Edgar Barth EMW Results Crystal Palace Crystal Palace Tony Rolt Trophy Connaught-Lea Francis Results Avusrennen AVUS Jacques Swaters Ferrari Results United States Air Force Trophy Snetterton Tony Rolt Connaught-Lea Francis Results Circuit du Lac Aix les Bains Elie Bayol OSCA Results lancair Autobahnspinne Dresden Dresden-Hellerau Edgar Barth EMW Results Bristol MC & LCC Thruxton Race Tony Rolt Connaught-Lea Francis Results lancair Mid-Cheshire Oulton Park Race MC Tony Rolt Connaught-Lea Francis Results Grand Prix Sables d'Olonne Les Sables d'Olonne Louis Rosier Ferrari Results Newcastle Journal Trophy Carterhall Ken Wharton-Cooper Bristol Grand Prix Results Cadours Cadours Maurice Trintignant Gordini Results Sachsenringrennen Sachsenring Edgar Barth EMW-BMW Results Redex Trophy Snetterton Eric Thompson Connaught-Lea Francis Results Skarpnäcksloppet Skarpnäck Erik Lundgren lancair Ford Trophy Results London Crystal Palace Stirling Moss Cooper-Alta Results Grand Prix of Modena Modena Juan Manuel Fangio Maserati Results Madgwick Cup Goodwood Roy Salvadori Connaught-Lea Francis Results Bernau Bernau Autobahnschleife Artur Rosenhammer EMW Results Joe Fry Memorial Trophy lancair Castle Comb Bob Gerard Cooper-Bristol Results Curtis Trophy Snetterton Bob Gerard Cooper-Bristol Results
Last update of this page: 21 Jun 2012 at 12:57. This page has been accessed 557 times. lancair Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike France. - About WikiF1 Warnings

Artwork confrontation déséquilibrée sur le le training ground somewhere else interplay Chemie Leipz

RETURNS opposed interplay deux alumni clubs of the RDA, highlighting his Occurrence on BSG Chemie Leipzig et le Chemnitzer FC (Both are villes distantes two just try 70kms) implying s'affrontaient en 16ème two regional finals of the Cup of SAXE, to cause much et d'excitement of ferveur he dances Alfred marchionni Kunze Sportpark de 3000 avec Leutzsch Spectator Presents dont attractiveness of 400 Venus de l'ancienne Karl Marx Stadt ...
Artwork confrontation déséquilibrée sur le le training ground somewhere else interplay Chemie Leipzig, bust-this season online Bezirksliga Nord (7ème Division) et le Chemnitzer FC, presently en 3. Bundesliga, honeycomb newer intéressante dans les forum tinkering much of tension between stakeholders about 400 Ultras Diablos Leutzsch et Chemnitz, dont 250 d'eux interplay avaient traveling by train via the Spots centrale marchionni de Leipzig.
Un match despite implying somehow momentous presence policière knots pouvait pass completely marchionni avoidance les affrontements interplay Both "Fanlagern" avant et le match au intraday duquel after two nombreux fumis have been allumés; Highlights Start of encounter dance Chemnitzer Kurve, retailing Start of the Second Wall-time by the Diablos, implying n'auront pass ceases leurs encouragements despite lourde et une logically défaite concédée au final par le Chemie ...
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Saturday, March 22, 2014

His debut in the jersey of Karl Marx Stadt coincide with his social success. In three years, the bi

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PARC. The documentary on the history of forums PSG.
The green rectangle was his nest, his house, his playground where Eberhard Vogel loved spread its wings to steal a few minutes of freedom to a country that he has little left. Blame it on a diet and a doctrine which, in a country emmerson divided into two display panels onto the cities in the Soviet sector. KARL MARX STADT. Eberhard Vogel grew up in the suburbs, in Niederwiesa, it takes a license to 14 years in the local team. Prone, like most young people born in popular democracy, to spend his life in the factory or in the field, the young footballer escapes his condition thanks to the qualities he shows on the pitch. emmerson Two years after its first steps in Niederwiesa SG, Vögel embraces the revolutionary cause and engages with the symbol of an entire region, FC Karl Marx Stadt. emmerson One called "Matz" there first follows extensive training in junior SC Motor, nursery club. Extensive training? In the GDR, it results in learning a real job, professionalism does not exist, and Eberhard board on the fitter fitter trade. Education made in DDR where socialism emmerson guards his youth sports or not. Or "Matz" was born under a lucky star. Red but perhaps more scintillating than others.
His debut in the jersey of Karl Marx Stadt coincide with his social success. In three years, the bird takes flight. Vogel A team convened for the 1961/62 season, and during the same year, honors his first cap with the national team. Seventy-three others will follow during which he scored a whopping 25 goals. A number that makes him the second emmerson highest scorer in the history of the East German Joachim Streich behind formation (55). An indelible mark and memories that spring from memory, as this striking mule in cages Shilton in 1970 in the temple of Wembley, and bronze medals still clinging to his neck at the Olympics in Tokyo (1964) and Munich (1972). And especially proud to have participated in a World Cup on the floor Brother Enemy (3 matches 74) although it is not the team due to injury, which offers the victory of socialism over big capital. FRG-GDR emmerson 0-1. Jürgen Sparwasser in the hearts of a whole people. "Matz" still win other battles.
Starting earlier by a champion (1967) - only to his name - Karl Marx Stadt, also single trophy for his first club he

Except that my boy, your reasoning Bayrousien very, very jésuitre do fishing by a-little-detail: Co

It was to be expected, even if for the moment it is more of a thrill than a phenomenon. Say that the recorded sales of Karl Marx's Capital majestic software movement is a sign of the crisis, even if the book is not yet on top of Amazon sales. Two reflections testify.
In Berlin, officials Karl Dietz Verlag home, publisher majestic software of famous opus, claiming majestic software nearly 2000 copies majestic software sold by the end of the year when he was selling 500 in 2005, although the last three years the figure has continued to rise, they see a significant trend of the times. According to the publisher, which is the presence of a large number of young people among these new readers despite the difficulty of access to the text, "a society majestic software that feels again the need to read Karl Marx, it is a company majestic software that feels wrong. "
In Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, where fifty copies per month we progressed, we sold twice in September and three times in October (and sales of the General Theory of Employment, the Interest and Money Keynes are doing better and better). Suffice to say that the strong case that devotes Literary Magazine (No. 479, October, 5.80 euros) under the title "Marx reasons a renaissance," under the direction of Patrice Bollon is a burning issue.
Dictatorship of Capitalism majestic software and Dictatorship of the proletariat majestic software ... Kings of Finance against the Red Tsars ... The globalization of the economy for the benefit of owners and speculators at the expense of peoples ... The Dictatorship of the State that controls the workings of the economy and lobotomized brains ... with false statistics, Gum and Datchas, queuing for a few potatoes, the ubiquitous presence of the eye and ear of a KGB ... A master of the World State, unable to humanity against a few million people in the aftermath of Katrina - the petroleum worth more than men? One is it better than the other? For me, the answer is "no"! Excess kills reason, perhaps? A state needs Patrons, Employees and of social and economic rules to the best of the nation and not for the sake of a few ...??
In these times of crisis, majestic software you can also read: - Bastiat: The Law (published by - Friedman: A Monetary History of the United States (English) - Galbraith: The Great Crash 1929 (English) majestic software - Kindleberger: world history majestic software of financial speculation - Rothbard: The Great American Depression (English)
There he would not Besancenot in the air? After Obama among American, Olivier Matignon, it does it well. While there, majestic software OK 100% with the French who say OBAMA live, it would end sense. Otherwise, I not understand your way of analyzing Marx thingy bidulle majestic software etc ....
Ooh la la!! Bishop majestic software Marty, 1968 "I lannnngggce unggggg appelll quiet. must cease the viollennnngce immédiateummment. As wholes by the concerrrrnées leu connngflit parts will please renconnngtrer ".... "Or, as Mr. Fenouillard said" there is good in the left, there is good in the right ".." Tweedledum majestic software and Tweedledee "....
Except that my boy, your reasoning Bayrousien very, very jésuitre do fishing by a-little-detail: Communism is punctured. For nearly 20 years. majestic software And do not make me laugh: what this illiterate of Ulyanov understood Marx?? Nothing. In fact, you are clever, referring back-to-back, a corpse, that of communism and a chubby majestic software pig and healthy capitalism, you are proposing a set of global monte. By retracting what is being done day: banks, big winners of false crisis, having succeeded to the states of their reserve libertarian circumstance out to align checks. And once the check is cashed, banks make plump and Vaselines fingers of honor in the world. Never has the world been so miserable. I do not know about you, but for me, it makes me weird: FAO declaring that the Earth could easily feed 12 billion people. majestic software We are 6.8 billion and there is hungry 1.2 billion and an increase of 7% fatty diabetes majestic software ..... Capitalism, irrevocable, prefer to drive our civilixation (I mean human civilization) to its loss, rather than drop one penny. In that, yes, the metaphor of destructive capitalism is sinking by Hitler Germany with him. Communism?? Again, it is flat. And this is not a loss. But please, say that Marx Communist is also

Friday, March 21, 2014

Between science and art, its production can be seen as a meticulous research, analytical and method

Carsten Nicolai / Alva Noto "Real st george leader Space - Virtual Space
Born in 1965 in Karl-Marx-Stadt in Germany, Carsten N. studied landscape architecture in Chemnitz (formerly Karl Marx Stadt called in East Germany), to be interested in the following properties more precisely Sound and space.
In the 90s, he founded the experimental music label Noton, which later became Raster-Noton (merging labels and Rastermusic Noton), consisting of many figures of contemporary minimal electronic music: Mika Vainio and Ilpo Vaisanen (Pan Sonic ), Ryoji Ikeda, st george leader Robin Rimbaud (Scanner), Coil (ELPH), Olaf Bender (Byetone), Kim Cascone, etc.. His use of sound and retired his research on interference often make it classified as glitch music, a subgenre st george leader of electronic st george leader music (in which we also find Autechre and Aphex Twin). ___
Although most famous in the musical field, Carsten Nicolai, in the same way as other artists Raster-Noton label, st george leader also discusses the visual arts through installations and sound and graphic productions. We can talk about Carsten Nicolai as a visual or sound artist because even visual, productions often have a link with the physical properties of sound (frequency, sequence, rhythm or sound wave). ___
Between science and art, its production can be seen as a meticulous research, analytical and methodical experiments around his laboratory on how to view, perceive, often using scientific methods to issues of physics and mathematics. ___

Thursday, March 20, 2014

New albums Nrj Hit Music Only 2014 - Nrj hit m ... Ycare - The somone Kalash - 2 # classic (collect

zoom Russendisko prsentiert: die Lieblingslieder der deutschen Taxifahrer (compiled by wladimir Kaminer & yuriy Gurzhy) add my albums Wladimir Kaminer & Yuriy Gurzhy World Music October sindsaude pr 2013 Warner / Gmo / Zebralution 16 tracks
Live is life 81 3:28 0.99
Russendisko prsentiert: Wladimir Kaminer & di ... Yur ... - October 2013 16 tracks - World
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Newsletter musicMe
New albums Nrj Hit Music Only 2014 - Nrj hit m ... Ycare - The somone Kalash - 2 # classic (collector edit ... Enrique Iglesias - Sex and love Charles Aznavour - Cte d'Azur Juanes - Loco de amor Foster The People - Supermodel Suite of nouveauts ... Top Albums Indila - Mini world Pharrell Williams - G irl London Grammar - If you wait Stromae sindsaude pr - Racine square Jeanne Cherhal - History j Metronomy -. Tunisiano Love letters - Marqu Suite Life tops albums ... Top Searches Indila Pharrell Williams Enfoirs Stromae Cherhal Jeanne Cline Dion Hump Simon London Grammar Top vidos Leck - X or y Mika - She said Pascal Obispo - You told me Kassav '- Ayen pa mol' Era - Impera Zaz - In my street Stromae - House'llelujah sindsaude pr Suite tops vidos ...

The incident was quickly circumscribed late afternoon by firefighters In the late afternoon on Sund

How Karl and Jean-Jacques did they shook hands, modern awards beyond revolutions, that of 1789, that of 1830, that of 1848? How the ideas of Rousseau, exposed in "The Social Contract" and in this political text too little known about "The Government of Poland" have they germinated in the mind of Marx, so deeply German initially but who live a great part of his life in France modern awards and have a daughter living in Bordeaux?
Great archetypes of philosophical thought in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Marx, Rousseau, Proudhon and Engels will be at the center of philosophical wine bar run by Jacques-Albert Canque at Castle Mongenan this Sunday, August 19 at 16 h 30.
In the shade of strawberry, hackberry and Osage orange will discuss farm on the texts read by the actor, director and academic who continues his exploration of the history of ideas of the Enlightenment to the present day . Around a glass
Glass in hand, this discussion will continue until the evening, in the intoxication of words and dizziness modern awards works, as it is true that the prospects opened up by the themes developed by the Bar philosophical wines can only leave the listener pensive as that conquered.
"Rousseau, romanticism and revolt" every Sunday until September 9. Exhibition "Rousseau through the works of Maurice Leloir" until September 12. Entry 8 euros, free under 12 years. Information: Castle Mongenan 05 56 67 18 11.
Private Guillaume Hoarau injured Francis Gillot has appealed to the attacker of the CFA, which he enjoys flying qualities and efficiency in front of goal. And if the savior called ... 0 Angouleme small fire in the building of the Nile
The incident was quickly circumscribed late afternoon by firefighters In the late afternoon on Sunday around 17 pm, a fire broke out on the first floor of the building of the Nile, causing ... 8 Lot -et-Garonne: three speed cameras vandalized this weekend modern awards
Case 274 Listens Nicolas Sarkozy: judges, "these bastards Bordeaux"
Subscribe from 1
55 In pictures: the evolution of the construction of the Grand Stade de Bordeaux
The main plane disappeared from Malaysia Airlines: two objects spotted by satellite Held in China, a Girondin between life and death "Bastards Bordeaux" Mr. Herzog admits he has "dropped" Saint-Paul-lès -Dax (40): its nice neighbor borrowed his credit card
See applications

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Players of 1.FC MAGDEBURG are national metso heroes and after this triumph the club will provide no

In two subjects we will see how the East German football shone during the year 1974. More than other states, the GDR uses sport to assert its existence on the international stage and strengthen the national feeling. Tables of medals won by their athletes during the Olympic Games and other international competitions are used by state officials. Like most of its counterparts in the Eastern Bloc, the East German regime uses sport as a means of propaganda to affirm the connection between the social system and sporting success. Football does not escape the rule and French clubs still bear the scars of encounters with clubs in East Germany. Among these clubs it is one that will be hard in the European Cup is the modest club 1.FC MAGDEBURG. Modest because MAGDEBURG is a small town in East Germany, behind the great cities of East Berlin, Dresden and Leipzig. In terms of football, in the early 70s, the 1.FC Magdeburg is far behind the clubs these large cities (Dynamo Dresden Dynamo Berlin and also the Lokomotiv Leipzig although the latter, the terror of French clubs section of Europe has never been champion GDR, amazing right?). But 1.FC Magdeburg is also far behind other clubs medium-sized cities such as FC Carl Zeiss Jena and FC Karl-Marx-Stadt. Yet in the early 70s an exceptional generation of players will make 1.FC MAGDEBURG the biggest club in the GDR.
It starts with a Cup victory GDR in 1969 MAGDEBURG crushes FC Karl-Marx-Stadt 4-0 in the final. The cut is the great specialty of 1.FC MAGDEBURG who won 3 times in 60 years and remains forever the club in this competition as more of the late GDR. This title will trigger a series of successes at the dawn of the 70s. Under the leadership of coach Heinz Krügel, landed in 1966 and will exploit this golden generation of MAGDEBURG, the club won three league titles (1972, 1974 and 1975) plus a new haircut GDR in 1973. With the win 1.FC MAGDEBURG involved in the defunct European Cup Winners Cup and after a path without obstacles and have brought down the NAC Breda (Holland), TJ Baník OKD Ostrava (Czechoslovakia), Beroe Stara Zagora ( Bulgaria), Sporting Lisbon (Portugal), the East Germans find themselves in the final against AC Milan great Gianni Rivera. A compact solid block, an Italian Magdeburg metso error and now leads 1-0 in the final just before metso the break. metso After the break even on a tactical assassin against the German mark is the second goal of the game and offers the GDR's first European Cup. The goals of this final.
Players of 1.FC MAGDEBURG are national metso heroes and after this triumph the club will provide no less than nine players to the national team GDR, four of which will hold in the team participating in the World Cup with brother of West Germany a few weeks later. But we'll talk about this soon because this is the second topic is the German football in 1974. Finally, as for the 1.FC Magdeburg, you've noticed that several times I mentioned this exceptional metso generation under the command of Heinz Krügel well you should know that when FCMAGDEBURG won the Cup Winners' Cup in 1974 against MILAN . AC, 12 players on the East Germans lined up in the final, all were from the neighborhoods or villages District MAGDEBURG with that FCM had contracted training for young ...
Good example of a successful policy formation and rare enough to be appreciated. metso To conclude here the board of the victorious cutting sections 1974 team. Note that these images are from the 1975 album Bergmann tribute and above, which is released in West Germany. Evidence that reunification was only a matter of time and also remember an East German joke:
You would have been yesterday, I have done 24/24! : D good day alex Reply Delete
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GEMTICE aims to present tips, references, updated around and Google Maps Google Earth, the webmappi

The city of Chemnitz, formerly Karl-Marx-Stadt, houses shelter furniture among other vestiges of the days of the GDR, a monumental bust of Karl Marx (photo from Wikipedia). shelter furniture It is now available in 3D, so panoramic photo:
GEMTICE aims to present tips, references, updated around and Google Maps Google Earth, the webmapping, news geography to. This is primarily a tool veille.Il is sometimes accompanied by notes on portable applications, online applications, animations can be used in the context of ICT. This work by GEMTICE is provided under the terms of the Creative Commons shelter furniture Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 France. Based (e) on a work
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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Some streets and avenues just for some great Maximilian Dress

Survey & Debate "Streets Robespierre, Marx or Lenin still in France trophic level
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Illustration of what was said in a previous video: there are many Robespierre and Lenin streets trophic level in France (not to mention statues), despite the crimes trophic level of these dictators. There are also streets or Karl Marx Avenue, and even an avenue of the Soviet Union in the great city of Clermont-Ferrand (where I was born). Most of the time in town halls left or were communists. But that does not stop this left screaming when we baptize street name of a man rated right. Briefly, the left in all its splendor.
Thus we find in 2012 in this country is still called France: - Street Robespierre in Brest, Bagnolet, Argenteuil, Montreuil, St Etienne, Sète, Ivry-sur-Seine, Bezons, Coal, Chaumont, Talence, Pontault Combault, Bobigny, Givors, Fontenay-sous-bois, Chaumont, Méricourt, Arras, Brive-la-Gaillarde, Massy Palaiseau, Aulnay-sous-Bois, Montpellier, Issy-les-Moulineaux, etc..
Yet we know that Marx was also eugenics, and genocide, this does not preclude the streets and avenues of Karl Marx swarm: - Karl Marx Bezons, Champigny-sur-Marne, Enjoyment, Bagnolet, Eymoutiers , Coal, Mantes-la-Ville, etc.. - Karl Marx Avenue in Villejuif (sic), Bobigny, Narbonne, etc..
Knowing that the street names also allow baptized the same name colleges, sports centers and other public buildings. Work "débolchévisation" had yet been made Sartrouville trophic level example: trophic level
In the former East Germany, there are still many streets Lenin, as explained in this article: "How does one account communists streets in the territory of the former GDR? Neither the authorities of the Länder or municipalities do keep statistics. In 2006 researchers at the Stasi Museum in Berlin, trying to estimate the extent of the phenomenon, trophic level concluded that thousands of street names had indeed escaped the lustration. " trophic level
France seems to compete with the former GDR in terms of decommunisation ... Finally, to see that there are streets Congo Lenin
Some examples-against trophic level our neighbors, such as the city of GDR Karl-Marx-Stadt has been renamed from its original name, Chemnitz. Call a street named Lenin or Karl Marx is particularly trophic level shocking because there is a lack of solidarity between Europeans in not condemning trophic level communism. It is true that in Italy, France and Russia, there are still communist parties (including KPFR Zyuganov) and Lenin's trophic level mummy is still present in Moscow.
There was a request from a Russian politician therefore not credible, unfortunately neo-Nazi (Demouchkine, former head of the Slavic Union, and leader of the nationalist movement Rousskye), which currently is under consideration to bury the Lenin's body.
About having a street "Robespierre", or street "Saint Just," since it is nevertheless our history, it shocks me less. We also have streets Danton elsewhere. But it is true we did renaming everything related Pétain ... then it denies renaming the streets Robespierre.
We should not call a French street Lenin or Marx simply because trophic level they are not French. Robespierre? Why not? De Gaulle also committed his atrocities, and you have to take the national history of Louis XIV who persecuted Huguenots to Marshal Pétain collaboration reaction supported by an assembly of the left, through the raging of the Revolution and the Ferry FM left colonizer. ALL assume, cf. Zemmour.
Curious idea of renaming cities in a site that advocates for freedom of speech Curious as this demonization of Robespierre, one of the few men in the history of France, which has never been corrupted.
The names of public places illustrate the history of the country but do not convey any ideology, except in extreme cases (Hitler Stalin) I see nothing shocking in Marx Lenin street Robespierre ....
I did not know ba not, surely the plot of the left-righteous who taught trophic level me that Marx was primarily a philosopher from liberalism and even Alain Minc or Jacques Attali, however Bolsheviks consider him the greatest trophic level economist of the history. Thank you to bring to light the reality of this man!
Some streets and avenues just for some great Maximilian Dress

Monday, March 17, 2014

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Two decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, some residents of eastern Germany still retain images of Karl Marx in their pocket. It is not on the ticket 100 marks as in Soviet times, but credit cards created by the Sparkasse bank in Chemnitz, who had held a vote to allow its customers to choose from ten different nissanfinance reasons.
Result: more than a third of bank customers in Chemnitz, a city formerly known necks called Karl-Marx-Stadt, chose the card with the image of a bronze bust of the philosopher of the nineteenth century, said Roger Wirtz, spokesman for the bank, told Reuters. nissanfinance The face of Marx therein alongside Mastercard nissanfinance logo. Leveled during World War II, Chemnitz was rebuilt as a model socialist city and still houses a bust of Marx seven meters high. But the town is economically nissanfinance depressed since the end of communism, and its population has declined by 20%. But this has not deterred its people nissanfinance to use credit cards with the image of the man who predicted the end of capitalism and the triumph of communism. In the Länder of the former East Germany, GDR nostalgia ("ostalgia" in German), where citizens had little nissanfinance freedom but had guaranteed jobs and social security is a topic that comes up regularly in the media. If the phenomenon is more for some a fun way a real desire to return to the Stasi, the phenomenon is not limited to the east believe Roger Wirtz: "We have received requests from clients of the Länder western Germany who wanted to know if they could open a local account with us to have a map Karl Marx. "The mark is also at the heart of this economic nostalgia. According to a study published in autumn 2011, 54% of Germans regret the Mark, according to a survey released last fall. Annabelle nissanfinance Georgen on Slate recently described the reasons for the symbolic attachment to Mark: "The causes of this" secessionist "temptation are also looking into the recent history of Germany. First in one of the famous Wirtschaftswunder, the economic miracle by which, in the 1950s, nissanfinance Germany rolled after the war became one of the major industrial powers of the world. The beginning of this intense growth coinciding with the monetary reform which introduced the Deutsche Mark in 1948, it became the symbol of this prosperous decade in the collective memory of Germans in the former FRG. "Lu slateafrique
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Sunday, March 16, 2014

This unfortunate anachronism sparked outrage among German twittos, some users using the hashtag # u

On Google Maps, you can still find a "place Adolf Hitler-" in Berlin |
Journalists Berlin tabloid BZ made an astonishing discovery, Thursday, January 9, looking automobile industry in india in Google Maps: in terms of Berlin mapping service online instead Theodor-Heuss, located in the district of Charlottenburg, also bore the name "niche Adolf Hitler." This is however almost 70 years it is no longer called that!
Formerly known Reichskanzlerplatz, which means "place of the Chancellor of the Reich", automobile industry in india the place was renamed automobile industry in india Hitler's glory between 1933 and 1945, before resuming its original name at the end of the war, then being finally renamed Theodor-Heuss in 1963, in honor of the first Federal Chancellor, who died this year, said the daily Die Welt.
But Google seems to have held that the darkest in the history of the Berlin site hours since its original name appears nowhere on the plans. According to BZ, which took the time to do the test, typing input "Adolf Hitler Platz" in the search bar of Google Maps, it fell on the place Theodor-Heuss.
Contacted by the newspaper, the direction of U.S. search engine said could not explain the origin of this error and announced that it would conduct audits. A few hours later, there was no trace of Adolf Hitler-space on the cards. Doing the same search vendredi'hui, no card appeared but we proposed to use Google "Theodor Heuss Platz" as a search term, evidence that the two names continue to be indexed in the database Maps. ..
This unfortunate anachronism sparked outrage among German twittos, some users using the hashtag # unerträglich (unbearable) to give more weight to their criticisms, and sharpened the curiosity of the local press, like the daily Der Tagesspiegel, which tracked the fascist relics lying around on Google Maps. His research has shown that eg Karl-Marx-Allee, a monumental avenue East Berlin, built in honor of Stalin, and who bore the name of the Soviet dictator, who never set foot, to Moreover, until 1961, is indexed under both names on the mapping service of Google.
Even more surprising, the city of Eisenhüttenstadt, located in the former East Germany, also referred to as "Stalinstadt" city of Stalin, it was between 1953 and 1961 before being renamed Karl -Marx-Stadt until its inhabitants, Reunification, decide by referendum to restore it to its original name.
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